Justice & Equality Focus
Justice & Equality Focus Myanmar is a non-governmental organization group established in 2022. Comprised of professional lawyers and judges, the organization is dedicated to promoting justice and equality in Myanmar. With its headquarters located in Myanmar, Justice & Equality Focus aims to address the legal issues and inequalities prevalent in the country. Through their expertise and commitment, the organization works towards ensuring a fair and equitable society for all individuals. By advocating for legal reforms and providing legal aid to marginalized communities, Justice & Equality Focus Myanmar strives to bring about positive change and uphold the principles of justice and equality.
Mission 1
To raise awareness about Transitional Justice
To raise awareness about Federalism, Democracy and Chauvinism
To raise awareness about CMR
To raise awareness about the Human Trafficking and its related laws
To raise awareness about Legal Profession
To deal with the Gender Issues
Panel & Polical Talk
IEC materials (Fb, website, podcast, etc)
Mission 2
To do documentation
To do research and surveys
To do advocacy by using the data from the documentation, researches and surveys
Research Area
Documentation (Urban, Rural, Conflict, Arrest, Interrogation, Courts and Prisons)
Political Research regarding spring revolution
Legal Research (Laws, Judiciary under junta, ADR, alternative justice system)
Public Surveys (Opinion Polls)
a. International Advocacy
Meeting Embassies
Report Launches
Advocacy Trips
b. Stakeholder Advocacy
Report Launches
Advocacy Trips
Mission 3
To Promote Access to Justice
To provide Emergency Assistance to the people in the movement (Spring Revolution)
To provide assistance to CDM and Refugees
Providing Legal Aids and social support
Alternative Justice System and Alternative Dispute Resolution System (Including Referral)
Safe Houses
Financial Assistance
Digital Security Assistance (Eg. VPN, Zoom etc)
Food and Shelter
Education support
Employments (Including Referrals)
Mental health
Mission 4
To monitor the key stakeholders and mechanisms in order to ensure the authentic federal democratic transition
To improve the performance of the stakeholders of the Spring Revolution
To know more about the international opinion and their moves so that the revolution can get more support.
Media monitoring (Secondary Data)
Formal and Informal media
Investigative Journalism (Secondary data and Primary data)
Interviews (Primary data) (Authorities, Some experts and Analysts)
Our Vision
"To build the vibrant and mighty society for justice and for building genuine federal democratic union of Burma"
Our Values
Believing in Freedom, Equality and Justice
Being Independent and Impartial for the benefit of the ethnic people
Being non-discriminatory based on race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, and culture
Incorporating Unity, Connectivity, and Mutual Respect into our activities
Being responsible and accountable for the implementation of our projects
Respecting diversity and standing against violence and extremism
Ensuring the participation of women and youth as a priority