Humanitarian and Gender Equality

Justice & Equality Focus Myanmar

"Prevention and Awareness Raising on Human Trafficking in Conflict-Affected Areas"

We undertook a project focused on preventing human trafficking in-person across Northern and Southern Shan State, as well as in Ayeyarwady Division from 2018 to 2021. Under the Justice and Equality Focus (JEF), we trained paralegals who collaborated with us to support Psychological, Physical and legal awareness to survivors of trafficking and their family members. This included providing legal aid, counselling session and vocational training to help them lead independent lives.

In Northan Shan State, counselling support for 144 survivors, Vocational training was provided to 52 survivors, Five legal protection cases were resolved informally, not in courts. These human trafficking cases were addressed at the village or ward level.

Objectives and Activities for 2023-24

Objective 1: To coordinate and create a network between organizations working on human trafficking inside Myanmar and at the border.

Objective 2: To prevent people from armed conflict areas and border areas from being human trafficked by raising awareness.

In Northan Shan State, counselling support for 144 survivors, Vocational training was provided to 52 survivors, Five legal protection cases were resolved informally, not in courts. These human trafficking cases were addressed at the village or ward level. we distributed 1000 human trafficking awareness-raising pamphlets among the public.

In Northan Shan State, counselling support for 144 survivors, Vocational training was provided to 52 survivors, Five legal protection cases were resolved informally, not in courts. These human trafficking cases were addressed at the village or ward level. we distributed 1000 human trafficking awareness-raising pamphlets among the public.

In Northan Shan State, counselling support for 144 survivors, Vocational training was provided to 52 survivors, Five legal protection cases were resolved informally, not in courts. These human trafficking cases were addressed at the village or ward level. we distributed 1000 human trafficking awareness-raising pamphlets among the public.

In Northan Shan State, counselling support for 144 survivors, Vocational training was provided to 52 survivors, Five legal protection cases were resolved informally, not in courts. These human trafficking cases were addressed at the village or ward level. we distributed 1000 human trafficking awareness-raising pamphlets among the public.